Uplifting Blog

You can ALWAYS improve your service. Here’s how I stepped up mine…


Here’s the problem with delivering a delightful customer experience —

It’s never one and done. In fact, it can’t be! That’s because the customer experience is dictated in part by their expectations.

And expectations are always changing.

The first time you deliver a truly outstanding service experience, your customer may well be surprised and delighted. But the second time… Well, they may still be delighted, but they won’t be surprised. And over time, they’ll get used to the service you offer… and they may no longer even be delighted.

What does that mean for your organization? To continually wow your customers, you have to keep stepping up with ever better service. And that means harnessing the talent, creativity, and motivation of your entire team. That’s how you stay ahead of your competition… and at the top of your industry.

Want to see an example?

Watch the video to see how I recently “stepped up” to give one of my clients an extra-special experience. (Warning: There is singing involved.)

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Stepping it up is the place to be. Create a better future for you and me. Bottom of the stairs is no place to hide. Take a step up and take it with pride. Okay. This is the part we do together. Ready? Here we go. Basic. Cross your arms. Expected. Desired. Surprising. Unbelievable. The actions we take create value for you. We can build a better future. We know it’s true. Every day we are doing better. You see? Hey! Where does it begin? It starts with me. Right. And by the way, what is the heartbeat that you and I share? Stepping up together with incredible care.

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Ron Kaufman
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