Uplifting Blog

You Can’t Build a Strong Service Culture Without Doing THIS


Changing the culture of an entire organization is an uphill battle. So what is the first step leaders must take? Cultures develop around the priorities of the organization. And you cannot change an existing culture without establishing a new priority.

To create a wholesale culture change, every person, team, department, and division must adopt this new priority. And that can only happen when leadership on the initiative is crystal clear and completely aligned.

That’s why the first rule of service leadership is to declare service as top priority. Check out the video to learn more.

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Now the seven rules of service leadership are specific behaviors that I have noticed great leaders of service organizations consistently do. And here’s what the seven are. Let’s take a look at them and then you have a chance to discuss it at your table. So, number one, declaration is what makes new things possible. In the United States It was called the Declaration of Independence. When somebody says, “I now declare you husband and wife”, it changes the world. When the judge says “Guilty” or “Not guilty”, it’s a declaration.

So a leader in an organization like yours needs to be the one who declares. “Service is now a top priority.” Well, that’s important when you’re looking to change the culture of an organization that has been known for sales, or it has been known for speed or productivity, or has been known only for product innovation or operational excellence or safety. Any time we go to work with an organization that wants to shift and become differentiated and known for outstanding service culture, then the senior leaders have to make that a clear declaration. Is that a behavior of yours? Would the staff say that about you?


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Ron Kaufman
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