Uplifting Blog

Your Vote Helps Us Reach More People and Change More Lives


I’m feeling very grateful to be connected to YOU, and for the impact our Uplifting Community has on the world! 🌏

The world is improved when we ALL serve and care for one another. And I know that service and care matter as much to you as they do to me.

So I’d like to ask for your help and support. Because the voting for Global Gurus 2024 is now underway! And your vote will help us reach more people… change more lives… and change the world for the better!

Please take a few moments today to support us. (It only takes a minute!)

Here’s how to vote:

Let’s make a positive difference in the world together!

#VideoPosts #ServiceImprovement #BestPractices

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hey, everybody. Ron Kaufman here. I’m at Changi International Airport with my wife, Jen. We’re on our way to Mauritius. We’re going to be working with clients, leaders and a whole lot of friends. Uplifting the spirit and practice of service and care. It means a lot to me to be connected to them and to be connected to you in this worldwide uplifting community. I wonder if I could ask you a small favor. The Voting for Global Gurus 2024 has opened up, and if you would, just take a moment to click on the link below and join all the other people around the world who take a moment to vote. Every year they’re ranking actually does make a difference because it helps me to reach out and meet more people so that all of us together can learn how to serve better, care more and love life. I thank you.

Join the community and receive free resources, ideas, and invitations.

Ron Kaufman
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Here’s what’s next…

Check your email for the welcome we just sent – and reply to let us know you received it!

We’ve included some useful resources 
for you to explore…

…and we’ll be in touch to share more ideas 
and invitations for you.

How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

Join the Worldwide Uplifting Community

We’ll send you free resources, education, and ideas for creating positive change in the world.

Welcome to the Worldwide Uplifting Community!

Here’s what’s next…

Check your email for the welcome we just sent – and reply to let us know you received it!

We’ve included some useful resources 
for you to explore…

…and we’ll be in touch to share more ideas 
and invitations for you.