Uplifting Service
The Proven Path to Delighting Your Customers, Colleagues, and Everyone Else You Meet
Praise for Uplifting Service
Ron Kaufman has unlocked the mystery of service.
Read this book, apply the steps. Watch your culture transform and your perspective on service change forever. Ron Kaufman has unlocked the mystery of service. Get ready for a magnificent journey into a new world.
A Clean and Clear Path to a Sustainable Advantage
Ron Kaufman has pinpointed a massive wound in society, and offers a strategy on how to uplift the world around us. For mankind, it’s transformational. For business, it’s a clean and clear path to a sustainable competitive advantage. This book is long overdue, and will certainly create a legendary shift.
A Blueprint for Delighting Customers
Uplifting Service is a much needed breath of fresh air for our troubled times. Service authority Ron Kaufman has distilled his global perspective into a blueprint for delighting customers. This is a critical skill now that social media has amplified customers’ voices many times over. If you have customers you must read this now.
Ron Kaufman has Unlocked the Mystery of Service!
In Uplifting Service, Ron Kaufman convincingly reveals why the right kind of service can transform your business, and he also provides a detailed and easy-to-follow blueprint. Every CEO, manager and employee who provides service to others should not only read this book, but use it as an ongoing reference.
Uplifting Service
The Proven Path to Delighting Your Customers, Colleagues, and Everyone Else You Meet
We are facing a crisis of service all over the world. Huge economies are transforming from manufacturing-based to service-based at record speed, and our populations are largely unprepared. With service so much a part of our daily lives, both in and outside the workplace, why aren’t we doing it better?
Service is a mindset of purposeful engagement and proactive communication that leads to productive behavior. We need leaders who model service at every level of an organization. And, we need an architecture that helps any group of people engineer a self-sustaining culture of uplifting service.
All over the world, people like you are taking practical steps to understand their customers better, create more positive experiences, generate greater value, deepen loyalty, and build longer-term relationships for the future.
All over the world, people are also looking for new ways to enjoy their work more fully, to get along with colleagues more easily, and to feel better about their customers and about themselves.
The pathway to achieving these important professional and personal goals is through providing more uplifting service.

More Praise for Uplifting Service
One book every leader must read…
Uplifting Service is one book every leader must read and every service provider should embrace as their guide. Read it, apply it, and then recommend your customers read it. This book will immediately elevate the value of your relationships. I have witnessed and walked on this proven path and have seen the results that follow. Now is the right time for you and your customers to experience this uplifting transformation as well.
Do Yourself a Favor and Read Uplifting Service Today
There’s no substitute for great service and Ron Kaufman has captured both the why and the how in this book. Do yourself a favor and read Uplifting Service today—it will definitely help you to be more successful professionally and personally.
A Book that Unveils All the Secrets to Becoming a Service Icon
Ron Kaufman deserves a standing ovation for Uplifting Service! Finally, a book that unveils all the secrets to becoming a service icon. This book not only will help you delight your customers, but it shows you how to uplift your entire organization from the inside-out. Every service provider and business leader should read this book.
One Book Every Leader Must Read
I’ve seen the corporate landscape evolve. And I’ve seen many aspects remain static—unchanged but not unchangeable. Ron Kaufman shows us how we can evolve with his book, Uplifting Service. This is the ultimate goal: to elevate and rise above yesterday.