Build Your
Service Culture
Empower your employees, boost
motivation, and drive continuous
service improvement.

Create a Culture of Continuous Service Improvement
Uplifting Service is about more than customer service. It’s about how your organization serves everyone in its orbit – employees, vendors, internal and external customers, partners, and community members.
In a culture of Uplifting Service, everyone is always on the lookout for opportunities to add value for those they serve. Team members are empowered to make improvements and suggest changes wherever they identify service gaps.

The result is a service-oriented culture that’s always improving – and empowered employees who take personal responsibility, enjoy their work, and demonstrate more loyalty to the organization.
Uplifting Service fosters motivated team members who drive continuous service improvements throughout the organization.
Toxic Cultures Sink Uplifting Service
Exceptional service can’t thrive in an environment where leaders are working at cross-purposes, teams feel unsupported, and incentives are misaligned.
Leaders working at cross-purposes derail improvement.
Leaders more interested in their “turf” or with different visions for organizational priorities will prevent any real progress toward a true service culture and brand.

Training (and blaming) only front-line service staff doesn’t work.
Organizations focused only on customer-facing staff never achieve more than average and inconsistent service. Consistently delivering excellence requires education, communication and inspiration for everyone.
“Do as I say not as I do.”
If leaders at any level are dictating staff behavior – not role modeling uplifting service – staff become disillusioned instead of curious about unleashing innovations.
People are measured and rewarded with inconsistent objectives and values.
If your systems for hiring, orienting, measuring, and recognizing people have different themes and aims, then your people will not know what is truly important. This prevents the development of an uplifting and service-focused culture.
The solution? An architecture of Uplifting Service that allows you to build a sustainable culture of service excellence.
Start on the Path to Uplifting Service Today
Speak with a strategist to explore what’s possible for your organization.
Gain clarity on your biggest and most valuable opportunities.
Discover how we can help you achieve your service goals.
How Uplifting Service
Impacts Your Team
Aligned cultures of service and care produce inspired
employees and delighted customers.
Leaders agree on service culture strategy and care about each other.
When all leaders commit to a service culture and genuinely
care about each other, and everyone else in the organization,
then service flourishes and customer experience thrives.
Internal service is an equal priority to external customer service.
Organizations with the best quality customer experience focus
on providing best quality internal service . When back-office,
behind-the-scenes, essential service providers see themselves
as members of an uplifting team, then a true service culture can
Teams have a common language and toolset to work together on service innovations.
A common language binds people together and creates
belonging and shared values. Everyone actively uses Uplifting
Service tools to discover opportunities and apply
Everybody cares.
In a thriving culture of service, everyone passionately takes
responsibility for service to customers and colleagues. New
staff are attracted to the organization and immediately
understand priorities and desired behaviors. And they bring that
passion for service back into the community and their homes.
can produce for your organization.
A Proven Path to a Winning Service Culture
Our Proven Path helps you foster a culture of Uplifting Service throughout your organization.
Uplifting Service provides a proven and holistic model for evaluating and implementing service culture change. Systems and processes are aligned, and leaders take on the role of modeling and supporting excellence in service.
Everyone in the organization speaks the same service language and applies the same proven tools to improve service and innovate new experiences for customers and colleagues
Because employees are aligned around shared goals and a common service language, they’re able to identify and implement Service Improvement Opportunities (SIOs) – real process and service upgrades that immediately improve the customer experience.
Our tools and principles help teams identify high-leverage improvements that can be made quickly and with little cost. Teams trained in the Uplifting Service methodology collaborate to implement service improvements on a continuous basis.
And because employees at all levels participate in this process, team members come to feel more invested in organizational strategy, more satisfied by the work they perform, and more confident that the organization cares about them and about its customers.
This creates profound energy and motivation through the organization, as every employee commits themselves as members of a service culture that delivers continuous improvement.
Learn more about the Uplifting Service programs and how you can achieve these results.
Learn How You Can Get These Results for YOUR Organization
Discover how we can help you achieve your service goals.
The Results are Astonishing

60% increase in customer facing improvement ideas.
Almost 50% of selected ideas are implemented within 6 months.
16% gain in employee engagement.

Immediate boost in employee motivation.
Launched an inspired service recovery project, turning customer complaints into rising satisfaction scores.

350 employees pledged to always deliver “Desired” level of service.
More than 70% of employees are active in a group designed to share new service initiatives and to reward best ideas.

Widely recognized for “Customer Centricity” thought leadership.

Increased to 95% of staff believing company leaders genuinely care about employees.

Rose to top 50 of Fortune’s Best Places to Work.
What Clients Have to Say About Uplifting Service
Uplifting Service helps us
create a culture of obsession
for the customer for the entire organization, inspiring
everyone to work as one to
take the next step up.
André Viljoen
CEO and Managing Director

Uplifting Service met our objectives of creating a
cultural mindset that
influences every interaction
with an architecture to
enable our processes, policies, and systems.
Valerie Jackson
Project Leader/Operations Manager

Uplifting Service
addressed the problem
we are trying to solve – getting over 10,000 employees to move
in the same direction. They
understood our challenge and helped us with the methodology.
Mark Hillman
Head of Global Client Services

Explore Our Services
Start on the Path to Uplifting Service Today
Speak with a strategist to explore what’s possible for your organization.
Gain clarity on your biggest and most valuable opportunities.
Discover how we can help you achieve your service goals.