Watch Interviews, Read Articles, Hear Ron Speak About Improving Service Performance and Building Service Cultures
Moving Beyond Service Clichés
Either it could be relegated to clichés like “the customer is always right” or it could be the foundation on which a company is built—to differentiate on service rather than product or price. In an email interview, Ron Kaufman tells Mint about the benefits of giving more, since what goes around comes around.
Customer Service Innovations
Travelers coming through the New York City area’s three airports—La Guardia, JFK, and Newark—might soon feel the need to double check that they aren’t walking through the set of a science fiction movie. That’s because the airports are introducing some high-tech help in the form of “Ava”—a life-sized, computer-generated female avatar. She’ll provide answers to airport patrons’ common questions.
How Service Training Falls Short
In an age when a customer’s unhappy experience with a company can go viral mere minutes after it occurred – and when customers regularly take to the Internet to publicize their great and not-so-great experiences – you understand the importance of superior customer service. Of course you do. That’s why you budget hundreds of thousands of dollars for customer service initiatives and put new and old employees through regular training. So why are the results only average?
Eight Secrets of Superior Service
As the wind of economic cycles blows hard, some managers try to contain costs by cutting corners on customer service. This is the wrong thing to do. Giving good service in tough times makes good business sense. In this interview, Ron Kaufman shares eight proven principles organizations can use.
Customer Service and Creativity
Training is not enough, a staff needs to think creatively to apply what they have learned. This method allows them to react effectively and creatively to different people, and scenarios. Ron Kaufman shares why building a service culture will naturally add value to customers.
The Danger of Dismissing Service
When is the last time you gave much thought to customer service? If you do not interact with customers very often, it is probably not a high priority for you. However, downplaying customer service or ignoring it altogether could have serious ramifications for your company. Luckily, Ron Kaufman is here to help.
Ron Kaufman in Bangalore
What do Singapore Airlines, Changi International Airport, BMW, Starbucks, 3M and scores of other companies have in common? They are all high-profile organizations; they command great respect for their service; and they probably wouldn't be where they are today without Ron Kaufman, world-renowned educator and motivator, author and founder of 'Uplifting Service'.
Attention-Grabbing Service
Attending a Ron Kaufman seminar on ‘Uplifting Service’ is like being swept away by a mental tornado. Your ideas and creative instincts are stirred, dusted and given such a violent shakedown that you emerge feeling gloriously invigorated – mentally fresh, your mind brimming over with new concepts and thoughts.
The Inescapable Service Industry
Internationally acclaimed guru on best global service practices, Ron Kaufman, has been traveling the globe extensively for the last 20 years conducting seminars and helping organisations around the world achieve superior service, increase customer loyalty, create strong partnerships and build winning teams.