Online Learning
and Support

Online training programs take your
team on The Proven Path to
Uplifting Service.

Empower Your Team to Deliver
Uplifting Service

Uplifting Service means taking action to create value for every customer, colleague, partner, or stakeholder that interacts with your organization – and then taking the next step to create even more value.

In a thriving culture of service, everyone passionately takes responsibility for service to customers and colleagues. Each member of the team actively uses service excellence tools to discover and apply improvements.

To create this culture, your team must look at service differently. What matters is not only what they do, but also how their actions are perceived and experienced. They need to be curious about what other people value, recognize that not everyone values the same things, and find ways to create the value that others want and need.

In our Uplifting Service Online Learning Programs, your team members will acquire a set of principles, frameworks, and tools that will help them internalize a new orientation to service excellence.

This perspective will form the basis of your organization’s transformation. With a shared understanding of service excellence principles, your team will be prepared to work together to identify service opportunities, launch service
improvements, and find new ways to take the next step in creating value.

A Team that Steps Up to
Service Excellence

Team members will internalize the principles of Uplifting Service and acquire tools for delivering the most valuable service
experience at any given moment. They’ll also be prepared to work collaboratively to identify service improvement opportunities and roll out service initiatives.

Team members will:

Start on the Path to Uplifting Service Today

Speak with a strategist to explore what’s possible for your organization.
Gain clarity on your biggest and most valuable opportunities.
Discover how we can help you achieve your service goals.

The Tools You Need to Deliver
Superior Service

Great service requires more than customer service training, standard procedures, and established scripts. Only a fully embedded service culture creates sustainable results.

Uplifting Service gives you the tools, principles, and understanding necessary to make your service strategy concrete, scalable, and successful over the long term.

Learn More About Creating An Uplifting Service Culture in Your Organization

What Clients Have to Say About Uplifting Service

We lacked a common service
language and holistic framework.
Uplifting Service provided both. There was initial resistance – but as people attended the UP programs, we could see change right away.

Andre Viljoen

Chief Executive Officer

The effects of the Uplifting Service program have been
transformative. Team members
take greater pride in
what they do, and customer response has never
been better.

Julian Hagger

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer

We worked with Ron over an 18 month period to deliver his programmes throughout our business. During this time we found Ron to be a superb catalyst for change, inspiring all those around him to up their game and put the customer at the centre
of all they do.

Christian Lauritzen

Head of Group People & Organisational Development, ISS

Start on the Path to Uplifting Service Today

Speak with a strategist to explore what’s possible for your organization.
Gain clarity on your biggest and most valuable opportunities.
Discover how we can help you achieve your service goals.

Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

Welcome to the Worldwide Uplifting Community!

Here’s what’s next…

Check your email for the welcome we just sent – and reply to let us know you received it!

We’ve included some useful resources 
for you to explore…

…and we’ll be in touch to share more ideas 
and invitations for you.

Join the Worldwide Uplifting Community

We’ll send you free resources, education, and ideas for creating positive change in the world.

Welcome to the Worldwide Uplifting Community!

Here’s what’s next…

Check your email for the welcome we just sent – and reply to let us know you received it!

We’ve included some useful resources 
for you to explore…

…and we’ll be in touch to share more ideas 
and invitations for you.