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Ron Kaufman’s Uplifting Presentation on the 12 Building Blocks of Service Culture


In order to build a strong and sustainable culture of service excellence you need a proven approach, an architecture.

In this short video I explain the 12 Building Blocks of Service Culture and how they shape the environment, experience, and enthusiasm of your team.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hello. At up your service, we help leaders and organizations build strong and sustainable cultures of service excellence. We apply a proven approach- an architecture with three key elements. Continuous service improvement, service leadership and now in this video I’m going to share with you about the service culture building blocks. There are 12. 

The very first one is called Common Service Language and this is produced automatically by teaching people the fundamental service excellence principles and giving them a chance to work with those principles together. Common service language means that there’s now a way that people in HR and finance and sales and manufacturing and the warehouse and marketing can actually speak together about the quality of service they provide to each other and to the customers you serve. 

An Engaging Service Vision, now I don’t care if you call it a vision, a mission, a credo, principles, core values. What we care about, Is it engaging? Do you have a short phrase that everyone can get behind like a mantra, a rallying call for the quality of service that you provide? It’s an important building block. 

Now you can use that to help Recruit the Right people, who are already aligned with your vision of service, attracting, interviewing and bringing on board the right people who will make your culture stronger. 

The Orientation experience, the onboarding that your new team members receive is vitally important when you’re building a strong service culture. Their early experience of the organization needs to feel like great service and demonstrate to them that everyone is committed to providing excellence in service.

Service Communications is like the glue holding it all together. This can be your newsletter, your bulletin boards, your intranet, your website, your town hall, your leader videos. Ways that you can communicate everything else that’s going on, to bring everybody and keep everybody on the same page. 

Recognition and Rewards- giving people that pat on the back, the motivation, the encouragement for doing a great job. And not only for external service but also for internal service, service innovation, solving service problems. 

Voice of the Customer is the building block where we’re looking for and listening to the qualitative subjective opinions of the people that we serve. While Service Measures and Metrics is the more quantitative measurable analytics that we can use to see how well our service is performing, these two building blocks work together as your essential customer and service feedback system. 

Now a Service Improvement Process is not the same as service process improvement. Service process improvement would be to speed something up or do something digitally where you’ve done it manually in the past or reduce the number of steps. But a service improvement process would be something like an ongoing contest or an employee suggestion scheme or regular cross-functional workout groups, where people come together to consistently improve your service.

Recovery and Guarantees -a vital building block, so that when things go wrong your customers know you’ll do what’s needed to set things right. And your employees know that that’s what everyone in the organization is committed to doing, turning problems into opportunities. 

Service Benchmarking does not mean studying your competition. It means studying world-class best practices in service everywhere you can find them. No matter what industry that outstanding service performer is in. 

And finally Service Role Modelling. What are the actual behaviours that you’re counting on your people to demonstrate and live up to making those absolutely clear? 

The 12 building blocks of service culture are one of the three core components in our uplifting service architecture helping you build a service culture as a sustainable advantage. Service excellence is the key to your success with your internal colleagues with your external customers now and into the future.

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Ron Kaufman
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