Uplifting Blog

4 Questions To Improve Customer Experience


Are you alienating your customers with this common request?? Your organization is probably one of the millions that routinely ask for customer feedback after transactions.

You do it because feedback from your customers is essential  to your success. But you may not realize this: the survey itself degrades the customer experience.

So how do you get the thoughtful feedback you need to improve… without making your customer feel aggravated, put upon, or taken for granted?

The key is to ask questions that strengthen your connection to the customer AND lay the groundwork for a long-term relationship. Watch the video to discover my 4 favorite survey questions…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Is your customer satisfaction survey really worth my time? Does your survey make my service experience any better?

Now, we’ve all had the experience at the end of being served, of being served up that survey where they ask you questions like, “Are you happy?” Very happy? Satisfied? Not very satisfied? Very, very satisfied?” Or How about this one? “What is the likelihood that you would recommend us to a colleague or a friend?” “Please give us a score above nine.” 

Well, most service providers don’t realize that those surveys actually bring the service experience for the customer down. I mean, who really wants to spend their time answering all those questions? I saw one situation where a company had a survey for their customers with more than 100 questions, and the only customers that bothered to fill it out were the ones that wanted to beat them up. Then we went to work and changed that survey to just four questions.

Number one, “What are we doing now that you appreciate and you want to make sure we continue to do?”

Number two, “What are we doing now that you don’t appreciate or you don’t like, and you’d like us to stop doing or change?” 

Number three, “What are we not yet doing for you that you would appreciate if we did do for you and you might even be willing to pay more for it?” 

Finally, number four, “What is it that any other service provider is doing for you now that you think we should take a look at as a good example or a benchmark to follow?” 

Think about that. Those big numerical surveys that we put out. What are you going to do with all that data? You’re going to try to deduce what it is that we should start doing or stop doing. Why not just ask your customers those questions? Customers in the world will be happy to tell you. Is your survey worth my time or can you make my time worth the improved service that you want to provide?

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Ron Kaufman
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