Uplifting Blog

Elevate Your Business with The Six Levels of Service


Any service provider can tell you that customers are not always right. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make them feel right.

Complaining customers are reaching out for your help. And you can make them feel seen and heard. That doesn’t mean giving into unreasonable demands or accepting blame where none is due. But it does mean acknowledging the ways the customer is right.

In other words, you can affirm the importance of what they value without agreeing that they’re correct about this particular situation. You’ll be surprised at how quickly this acknowledgement will defuse an angry customer. And from there, finding a solution that works for both of you is much, much easier.

So the next time you’re tempted to argue with a customer, bite your tongue! And instead, look for the places in which you’re already in agreement with one another.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

I realized in understanding or being able to answer this question, how much value are we creating for each other? We needed a better language, a way of understanding the point of view, the experience, the perception of the people we serve.

So I created something called the Six Levels of Service. This is from the customer’s point of view.

Now, the lowest level is when you completely mess it up. When you make a mistake, when you don’t fulfill what you’re supposed to do, when you make a promise and you don’t keep the promise then it’s called “Criminal”. The way we say it is like this. Put your hands together like handcuffs. You did that very quickly. Was that prior experience? Now there’s a way to say it. That’s fun. You go out there, you go, “Criminal” with your handcuffs. Ready? One, two, three, go. Alright. We don’t want to be there. Let’s take a step up. If you serve someone in a manner that is adequate, like they get what they want, they get what they need, but the experience is not very nice. Like you’re incomplete or you’re late. Or maybe a member of your team is even impolite. But they got what they needed. Then that would be called “Basic”. And here’s how to say it. Basic. Everyone together. Ready? One, two, three. Basic. We don’t want to be there.

So we take another step up. When you serve someone the way that is normal, it’s average, it’s standard. We call that “Expected”. Here’s how to say it. Cross your arms, everybody. Cross your arms. Take the sound of your voice and move it up in your nose. So it goes like this. Expected. Okay, good. What if we keep going? There’s obviously room to grow. What if we serve someone the way they like it, the way they hope for, the way they prefer? Oh, then we could call that level “Desired”. Here’s how to say it. Take your shoulders and roll them back. Come on, everybody. A little morning exercise. Here we go. Roll your shoulders. Are your shoulders broken? Come on. Come on. Here we go. Shoulders. Shoulders. Okay. Now add the sound like this. Desire. One, two, three, go! Desired. Tell your partner how well he did that. Alright, let’s do these three levels together. Down low, handcuffs is what? Ready? One, two, three. Criminal. One level up. Basic. Cross your arms, Expected. Shoulders, Desired.

Now, above that is when you serve someone in a way that’s unexpected and they like it. We call that “Surprising”. It’s like getting a gift. And you use your hands like this. Surprising. Ready? One, two, three, go! Surprising. And above surprising is totally astonishing incredible. I call that “Unbelievable”. And the way you say it is like this.

Now, let’s do that all together. From the bottom to the top. Are you ready? Here we go. Down at the bottom is what? One step up? Basic. Cross your arms. Expected. Shoulders. Desired. Hands. Surprising. Fist. I got a section over here. I don’t know what country you’re from, but they’re all going like this. Unbelievable. That’s a basic unbelievable. Come on, BNI. Give me a BNI unbelievable Unbelievable. One, two, three. And how is the service you provide?

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Ron Kaufman
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