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How to Step Up With Service (Especially When It’s Hard)


Your customers think and behave differently today… and so do your employees!  Is your organization ready to meet the moment??

The last few years have put unprecedented strain on all of us – and on the organizations and institutions that serve us. Not all have stepped up to serve better and care more… but those who did are THRIVING.

And because they made service and care a core element of their identity, they’re positioned to SUCCEED in the future as well. Even (especially) when times are tough.

Listen to this interview with HR director Nicolas Autrey to discover how the exceptional team at LUX* has changed their approach to service and care. You’ll get insights you can use in your business – and in your personal life

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ron : The hospitality industry itself will experience further change. People may travel less. When they do travel, they want more. Not just more luxury, not more technology. They want more authenticity. Maybe more intimacy. More genuine living of life. Feels to me like your team is keen to provide that. 

Nicolas: This collective re-think is also happening with the team members, and I think when they do that and when they internalize that, we serve the guests differently because usually when you think you tend to, Or at least you try to treat people the way you like to be treated. So therefore this deep re-think has changed people deeply, and we spoke in all about the theories of generations. 

I’m sure we’ll have a pandemic COVID generation in ten years. The people that went through that. The kids, especially, how they behave or there might be a theory about it or not. But coming back to what you’re saying, people definitely have different aspirations. People might travel more. For me, people will enjoy life in a deeper way. And those who are working will want their lives to fulfill them in a deeper way. 

Ron: That requires a different sense of confidence for the team member.A different sense of confidence, not just as self-confidence, but confidence is part of a culture that genuinely is authentic, that cares, that lives that every day.

Nicolas: What my family has been through, what your family has been through, like maybe I lost a loved one, maybe. I don’t know. But,  But genuine. 

Ron: Yeah, yeah. This temporality of life, the fact that all of us are not forever. Yeah. Yeah. Brought home by this era. So the question, you know, “What do you want to do with the rest of your life?” is an occupational question that is asked in some parts of the world for some segments of the population. Like maybe I’ll think I’ll do something slightly different. 

But for many people here in Mauritius, for example, if you’re in the hospitality industry you have a range of options but not infinite options. And so then what are you going to do with the rest of your life is you can actually bring that question with you in every day to “What am I going to do?” “I’m going to make it count.” “I’m going to, I’m going to care more.” I’m going to. “It matters.” “It’ll be real.” 

Nicolas: I hope people will worry less. I think that’s something I’ve been thinking about. I think we should because we worry so much about what to do,I mean, over time, people worry. Worried about this, that. Worried I might not have enough. I might… Anything. So I think in the bigger scheme of things, I think that’s something that I’ve tried. 

I’ve been thinking that letting go is very important, letting go of what you can’t control because you try or I try to control the maximum things I can, maybe by default by nature or both, because last year there were so many acts of kindness, and where are we today?

Ron:  It’s much, much easier to let go of the worries and concerns when you know that you’re part of the community of people who care. about you and who you care about. And so, life is dynamic. We’re living it, we’re together. We’re not isolated and separate and having to worry about looking good or, you know, what do you think of me? And, you know, we’re here together.

Nicolas:  But I’m very, very eager to educate my kids about taking the best out of this COVID period, because I believe the kids are the ones that have suffered the most because we tend to say our kids adapt. Okay, but they miss their friends in school. And so the impact, my wife and I try to tell them, you know, see the other side of the coin. 

What was good about this experience of being at home? And I think it’s our job to educate not only the kids, but people around us to see the deeper meaning of life. And my wife and I, we truly believe in this educational approach and exchange, exchange around people who are intimate to us and with whom we can have deep conversations. 

Ron: So when you say caring about what matters… Exactly. Yeah, you’re giving us an example with your kids and saying, you know, what matters is a genuine appreciation of life itself.It’s not the circumstance. It’s not. That’ll always change.It’s not the situation. That also will always change.It’s your orientation to being alive.

Nicolas: The perspective of, we always hear, gratitude was the trendy word last year, but I think we have to be grateful.

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