Uplifting Blog

The Skill that EVERYONE Needs to Succeed


You won’t learn this in school, but it’s the secret to success: Know how to SERVE WELL.

Why? Because service is taking action to create value for someone else – and when you know how to create value for others, you BECOME more valued.

That means you’ll be offered more opportunities to grow and excel. And – just as important – serving others brings YOU more joy and satisfaction.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Read it with me.Go.

Service is taking action to create value for someone else. 

Does that apply to your job?Does it apply to everybody’s job? Does it work in every industry? Does it work inside and outside the company?

Yeah. If you have kids, teach it to them. They’re not going to teach it to them in school. Hmm.

Now, we also learned that service excellence is taking the next step to create more value for someone else that you serve, and a service excellence culture, which is what we’re going to talk about now, is what you get when everybody in the organization understands this and comes to work to do it. What does that mean?

It means that no one comes to work and says, I’m just here to do my job. Yeah, you’re right.You are here to do your job. But what’s the purpose of your job? Not just to take action. Right?

It’s to create V-v-v-v-v value. 

That’s what everybody else is there for as well. When people come to work knowing that, then the focus is on the other people in life, the other people in this world. And that’s what contributes to making the world a better place. Now, we have already learned the six levels of service. Do you remember how to do those? Can we do that together? Okay, what’s down at the lowest level? If you break a service promise, put your hands together like handcuffs and go. 

If you just do the bare minimum.That’s one. Basic. If you hit the SLA, cross your arms, what is that? Expected. Do it the way somebody would like you to do it. It’s what? Come on, show me your shoulders.

Go.Desired. Something better than expected can be what?And all the way at the top is…Alright. Exceptional. Unbelievable. One, two, three. Go. 

So what are we going to do on this last session of the day? Well, what level do you want?I  mean, turn to your partner right now, because this last session of the day,I’m going to teach a lot. I’m going to pour it on. But it also matters what you do with your partner. And some of you are sitting with your partner like thisGoing, “Ah, what do you think?”If your partner said, “Unbelievable,you are someone else for them and they are someone else for you. 

So you’ve got to commit yourself to creating the unbelievable. Like I’m going to create it from my side to all of you.You got to create it for each other. Yeah.

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Ron Kaufman
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