Uplifting Blog

The World-Changing Power of Service Excellence


Reinvent your business by focusing on what really matters — authentic care for others. Business leaders sometimes (often) shy away from these care-driven actions because they don’t think there’s a business case for them.

But nothing could be further from the truth! When it comes to business, authentic care is a superpower.

That’s because customers are attracted to (and remain loyal to) organizations that share their values; talented employees are drawn to organizations that value them… and to work that lets them make a real contribution to others; and communities support and collaborate with organizations that have their best interests at heart.

When you do the right thing for your people and your community, you’ll reap surprising rewards. And you’ll end up with a stronger business than ever before.

Want proof? Watch this video for an example of how doing right by the local community paid off for one of my clients.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ashish: I think it’s been an amazing journey, even with taking care as our core principle now forward. One, one example that comes to my mind. By law here in Mauritius, all beaches are public, so anyone could pass by and you can’t really control the beach or the beach front of your property, in that sense. And one problem that we had a few years ago on the east coast – and it’s felt actually across the island – Is stray dogs coming by time to time in search of food or in search of just some affectionate times. And the old way of looking at it was just call the concerned authorities and they would either take away the dogs or they would do, they would handle it whichever way. And at LUX* Belle Mare, our security manager, he said, “Look, Ashish, can we try and do something else?”

So it started first with trying and creating some feeding points away from the resort where we were going every morning and evening and automatically the dogs kind of moved away from our immediate surroundings. And then it started evolving from there. So when you talk of Shining, we said, Why just stop there? What if we actually find a way to give them a kind of new life, if I may, because you didn’t want them to be put to sleep. And then we partnered with a NGO called HSI, Humane Society International, and we partnered with them on a sterilization program for strays. And automatically you are kind of reducing the population, but by not… or but by ensuring they still have, these dogs, these stray animals still have a good life. Now that they’re here with us on this planet.

The next step, which we felt was logical, was trying and doing a campaign on getting them adopted. And very proud to say, 30 of the stray dogs and cats that we saw in our immediate vicinity have been adopted by guests who stayed at LUX* Belle Mare from as far and wide as the US, Canada, Netherlands, Australia.

Ron: All of what it takes to bring the animals home back to their countries.

Ashish: Absolutely. And 30 of them. So over the last three or four years – And it’s so satisfying and humbling that you could do that. And not to mention about 50 plus that we’ve got them adopted by our own team members ourselves and the community. So it’s about applying those principles that we learned over the years when we talked about not stopping at Unbelievable, but going beyond.

Ron: Going beyond and then going beyond the resort, vacation, holiday experience to an authentic engagement between human beings who have lives with human beings, who have lives at this moment in your life. That’s right.

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Ron Kaufman
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