Uplifting Blog

Why Customer Service is Two Words… and Why They BOTH Matter!


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Want to deliver outstanding customer service? Discover 2 key pieces of the service equation in this video.

You and your team have a lot of control over the service you deliver to customers. But not total control! The service experience also depends on your customer.

Thoughtful, appreciative customers help make the service experience a dream – even when thing don’t go as planned. And a rude, complaining, disrespectful customer makes the experience feel rough – even if your team performs perfectly.

So it’s worth giving some thought to how you can help YOUR customers be better… and how YOU can be a better customer when the shoe is on the other foot!

Watch the video to discover how you can improve any service transaction from the customer side.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Have you ever noticed that the phrase “Customer Service” actually has two words, and that each of those two parties can play a very powerful role in delivering an outstanding service experience? That’s right.

Of course, the word “Service” applies to the service provider, and their job is to take action to create value for you when you are the customer. But the other party is called the “Customer”, and they also have an important role to play. 

What can customers do to create better service for themselves? 

Come prepared. Come appreciative. Show respect. When you get good service, be the one that gives a compliment and says a robust, genuine, authentic, “Thank you. I appreciate your service. and when you don’t get good service, don’t be the guy who’s going “Rant, rant, rant” and complain all the time.

Be the one that helps them improve. 

Customer service has two words.You know what? They go and belong together.

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Ron Kaufman
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