Uplifting Blog

How to Turn Unhappy Customers into Satisfied Service Partners


Every department and division within an organization should have a strong service culture to create more value for everyone they serve.

As a leader, it is your job to show your team why and how everything is service, and the benefits of creating an aligned team that is laser-focused on creating value for customers and colleagues. By doing so, your team can increase efficiency, revenue, innovation, reduce employee turnover, and create happier, more loyal customers, which ultimately leads to skyrocketing profits. Watch the video to discover more and let us know what you think. How can you help your team understand that everything is service?

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Some of the employees feel that they are the slaves, especially when it comes to providing high standards of service to the customers. How should we deal with such situations?

Okay. May I? Take your microphone, come up with me. Okay. He’s the customer. I’m the service provider. Now, what I want you to do is say, pretend you’re going to throw a punch at me. Don’t. Don’t hit me. Sure? I’m very sure. Very sure. Take this hand and you go like this. You go, “Your staff is rude.” Okay, Go ahead. Your staff is very rude. So are you. It’s a face off, he said. Use your mic. Yeah, it is a face off. Yeah. We’re going to have a fight. Try again. Your staff are so rude. Which staff? We train our staff very well. I don’t think our staff are rude. You show me which one. They are. Boom. It’s going to hit me again. Okay. One more time. Your staff are so rude. Sir, you deserve courtesy and respect. Every time you come here to this organization, allow me to have the privilege of serving you personally. Amazing.

Did I agree with him that our staff are rude? No. What did I agree? That he deserves courtesy and respect. But you notice he didn’t say “I deserve courtesy and respect.” He said “Your staff is rude.” What I made, what I agreed with him about is what he values. Let’s do another one. [indistinct] Okay. I want you to do it again. But this time it’s “You people are so slow.” I can do better than that. Do you want me to add? Sure. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, go ahead. Go ahead. It’s about speed. Go ahead. Your staff are so slow. It’s making me angry. Do you know that we process every transaction absolutely according to the documented standards? Up for your service. Yeah, except he didn’t really mean service right there, did he? I disagree. Okay up.

Let’s try it again. “Your system is so slow.” Your system is so slow. It makes me angry. You know, sir, I understand why you would say that because speed counts in today’s world. Your time is very valuable. Let me do this for you as quickly as possible. You know, I can’t answer back at that and that kind of solves the problem.

We’re not fighting, are we? No, we’re on the same side. Because he mentioned the fact that I actually agree, and it solves my problem and it gives me confidence that he is the right man who I can trust to solve my predicament and absolve my anger.

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Ron Kaufman
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